Why I won’t be buying the Nintendo Switch at launch


Disclaimer: Since writing the blog post below, Nintendo has very kindly sent My Nintendo News a Switch Console to preview and review. As I’m the Reviews Editor for the site, it’s fallen under my wing. So expect to see an unbiased article – or as much as I can be – on the Switch and, subsequently, Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Going forward, it also means I will be reviewing more Switch games, so I’m afraid you’re all stuck with me for the foreseeable future. I only hope that’s a good thing! 🙂  

As most of you know, I’m an avid Nintendo fan. But I won’t be buying the Nintendo Switch at launch.

OK. So, you’re puzzled, right? I review Nintendo games on Wii U and 3DS over at My Nintendo News – and have been doing so for the past four years. Time really does fly.

Although I love reviewing games – both playing and writing – I’ve admittedly had a love-hate relationship with Nintendo as a company. From a consumer’s point of view, the Nintendo Switch in the UK is priced at £279.99. I pre-ordered it when it was announced, just like that. And then I asked myself why the hell did I do that?!

I have never pre-ordered a console or game in my life. If any of you know or have heard of TotalBiscuit on YouTube, you’ll know he absolutely hates the idea of pre-ordering. You get let down too many times from botched up jobs of a game, or pay for games that are £50 on launch then reduce to a measly £20 after a month. Pre-ordering, though, is sometimes a necessary evil.

Over the years, Nintendo has been plagued with stock issues from the amiibo rush to the recent problems with the NES Mini. So I thought, screw it. Let’s pre-order a Switch while I can, because I’m a reviewer and I need that system.

The thing is, I really don’t. And funnily enough, as a reviewer of Nintendo games, I’ll have to pay an arm and a leg if I want all of the accessories (£99.99 for a pro-controller on Amazon; you’re having a laugh, right!?) and a number of SD cards to store all those digitally downloaded games on. For UK consumers, if you want to buy all your games digitally, you’re going to need to store them on SD cards. Reportedly there will be compatible SD cards up to 2TB, but the highest ones available right now are 256GB, or thereabouts. The Nintendo Switch itself only comes packaged with 32GB. I mean… what?

Having played with the Switch, I feel like I’m in a much better position to justify not purchasing just yet. There are only a handful of launch titles – including Zelda: Breath of the Wild – that will arrive on March 3. I was teetering on the edge since the press event last weekend about whether I could actually justify such a purchase, and there was one thing that just sealed the deal.

Zelda: Breath of the Wild on the Switch has better sounds and a better pixel to pixel resolution – and it’s not even by much. Wait, let me just get this straight. That’s it? Maybe there’s other features we don’t know about yet, maybe there isn’t. But the main point is, I bought my Wii U to play the new Zelda on, and I’m going to play it and review it on that system. Plus, I actually have a sweet Pro Controller for the Wii U, and that’s going to be one hell of a lot more comfortable than playing with Joy-Cons.

As for the Switch itself, I will eventually have to buy it, most probably just before Splatoon comes out. But I don’t want to go against my own morals just for the sake of buying a system when I don’t know all the ins and outs just yet. Oh, and it doesn’t even come bundled with multimedia apps like Netflix. Well, there goes my ability to binge-watch Pretty Little Liars in my living room then.

So, I apologise to the MNN readers out there. You won’t be getting any Switch reviews from me until I can reasonably justify purchasing the system from a consumer’s point of view. Because, at the end of the day, I am still a consumer.

Posted on January 18, 2017, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 54 Comments.

  1. I’ve never preordered a console in my life. That being said I preordered this as soon as they went live. I actually preordered two. I plan on replacing my 3DS with the Switch as more games get released for it. I don’t care about the differences between the Switch version of Zelda and the Wii U’s. I’m getting Zelda, Bomberman, Snipperclips, and Has-been Heroes. I’m not very interested in Splatoon 2, but I’ve never played the first game because I’m not big on competitive shooters.

    • Thanks for reading / commenting, Drakulus. It’s always good to hear other people’s thoughts regarding the console. I hope you get the enjoyment out of the Switch you are after. Shame to hear about the lack of StreetPass, no? I mean, if you intend to replace your 3DS with it… StreetPass will be a big miss. I love taking it to cons and getting new puzzle pieces and playing the mini games.

      • Street Pass is my least used feature on the 3DS. I just buy my games and play. That being said I hope friend codes die and never return :).

  2. yup so many questionable things about the switch, as excited as I am to have this hybrid handheld/console, the lack of storage is a huge problem. I hate carrying around cartridges while on the go, it’s just not an option. Upgrading via SD card I think is a viable option, and to be honest, there will only be so many games that I don’t think have terabytes of storage is necessary. I had to do the similar thing on my Wii U and 3DS by getting external HDs and SD cards for each one, I went with the bigger is better approach, and although it gives me piece of mind that I’ll never run out of space, I went overkill probably.

    • Hi Imtiaz, thanks for stopping by my blog. 🙂 Yeah, I’ve had to do the same with Wii U and 3DS, but with the inevitability of a game the size of Skyrim on the Switch… and perhaps a few other third-party titles which will be heavy on GBs, it’s going to get hugely expensive and inconvenient to use storage cards. I always place them in areas where I’m never likely to find them again either. XD I always have to go for the bigger options, given all download codes are done digitally now. So if I don’t want to delete save files (which I don’t) or the games (which I don’t as I like to go back to them as a point of reference if there’s a sequel for example) then it gets problematic. 😦 Ugh. Nintendo always going to Nintendo.

  3. Well i could not say it better, I have similar feeling toward Nintendo and I perfectly understand where you come from. Being a consumer since the NES area (1990), I am at a point where I am not even excited by the announcement of the switch.

    I am curious and I hope the switch (aka the NX) doing very well, but I will not rush myself to purchase a switch (or a NX as I like to call it). Like you I will eventually buy one because Xenoblade Chronicles 2 will be on that system and I think I will be tempted to play Mario kart 8 deluxe.

    The only difference between you and me is that I do feel cheated by Nintendo. In short I did purchase the Wii U for 3 games (i have 10 games at moment and will purchase another 12 games if those games do not become collectors) and I thought at the time that I will have all those games (the 3 games which were my reason to spend £160) by the end of 2015 (how wrong was I).

    Fast forward in 2017 I am still waiting for the final game to be release on that system.

    • I am so sorry that I missed this comment – it’s been sat in my moderation queue for months! Shows how often I check it. 😦 Thanks for commenting on the blog post (despite how long ago it was!) Always happy to hear other reader’s opinions. Did you end up purchasing?

      • Hello not a problem, this days I bearly go on Internet. Anyway. No I haven’t yet purchased a switch. I bought Zelda on the wii u and since I don’t have much time this day, I need to catch up on lot of games. Furthermore giving the bend issue on the switch when leaving too long on the docking station, the joy con issue and the random screenshot. I am not in hurry to buy it. That been said when xenoblade chronicles 2 and dragon Ball xenoverse 2 will be out that might be another story.

      • That sounds like a really good, informed decision. 🙂 There’s an issue with the Switch if it’s docked for too long? I didn’t know that – you’ll have to forgive me, I don’t get much time to follow up on gaming news any more. It’s sort of an eat, sleep, work routine I have going on. 😀 I have a case for the Switch, but more recently I’ve just been leaving it in the dock.

        To be honest, it is a smart piece of kit. And will more than likely come into its own when I go to conventions, but I still really do love my Wii U. We still use it in the house because it has access to Netflix. I would have loved to have played Zelda on the Wii U instead of the Switch, but duty called.

      • Just FYI those issues had been reported in my Nintendo news as well. Hope you will find time to play but I do understand where you come from.

  4. Hi! Sorry for taking such a long time before I read your post. I was not aware of this post (even though I asked for notifications!). WordPress I guess…

    I do totally agree with you on your stance on pre-ordering the Switch. I and my colleagues at our newssite have been tearing the Switch apart in our podcast. Nintendo is doing SO much wrong with this launch and I’m so frustrated about it!

    Well, well… I just wanted to say hi and ask how things are doing over there 🙂 This blog is kind of where we “connect” 😛 How does the B12 treatment going?

    • Seems like you have had the same problem with WP as me lol 😛

      • Oh my goodness, hi! Sorry, I really did forget to reply to your comment!

        The B12 treatment is going okay… but only get one injection every three months which isn’the enough. 😦 Did you know if a dog is b12 deficient, it gets an injection once a week? Humans have to wait three months. I know. It’s utterly stupid. But thank you very much for asking. 🙂

        How are you / your well being? Is the medication going okay? My blog is definitely where we catch up! Can’t really do so over MNN, ha!

      • Hi^^ Nothing to be sorry about 🙂
        Ehh… so a dog gets it more than- Seriously what’s the deal? How do you hold up? The last month before a new shot must hard to get by?

        I’m okey 🙂 I didn’t have a chance to tell you I was rushed to the hospital and operated 😛 Sounds dramatic, but it wasn’t. Had a back operation. Had since I had trouble walking and standing at a point. But I’m much better now 🙂 I’m applying for a Games Workshop part time job next to my studies. British boss and quite the scary one 😛

        How have you been? Something new since Christmas? Yeah, your blog is the hood ya’! But seriously it would be quite less… private on MNN 😛 Not that we got something to hide, but you know 🙂

      • Holy heck, are you okay? That really worries me! I assume the operation went okay, no complications etc? I know the feeling with back pain, so you really do have my sympathy. 😦 How you holding up now?

        And wow, that’s fab that you have a part time job alongside your studies now. Other than your scary British boss (we’re not all like that!) How’s the job going, enjoying it?

        I’ve been okay so far. Quite tiring / drained on some weekends after work but I put that down to exercise draining my b12. The last month is pure hell, trust me. Get my next one in mid March, so it’s ugh at the minute. However, I’m trying to strengthen my body with weekly / bi-weekly swim sessions. It helps. 🙂

        Have you been playing the new Fire Emblem Heroes game? I am like addicted to it. Man, I love Fire Emblem. :3

      • I’m alright 🙂 It warms my heart that you care ❤ Thank you! The operation didn't have any complications, but my injury was "a big one" as the doctors put it. Had it rough, some tears shed haha. I always try to act hard, but sometimes it gets to rough, you know… still hurts a lot, but I'm definitely getting better 🙂

        Haven't started the job yet. Yeah, you don't seem so scary 😉 On the contrary^^
        Your B12 treatment sounds garbage. I really do sympathise with you. I know what you're going through; and I must say your tough as hell as well to keep things up like you do; even when things are hard, you obviously keep delivering. Just look at your reviews on MNN! They're brilliant! And if the quality and effort in those reviews reflects on everything you do — then you're really kicking it elsewhere too! Hang in there Collette 🙂 As promised before: if there is anything I can do for you — I'm all listening ^^
        I hope swimming goes well for you 🙂 I don't think I've asked where you're working? How selfish of me :/ Sorry!
        Fire Emblem ❤ Played it since the first game in Europe back in 2004. Loved it ever since. I tend to be more of the hardcore guy about these FE-games, but I appreciate the accessibility of Heroes. I hate Feathers though… It's going to be great with Echoes, Fire Emblem Warriors and FE Switch^^ Time have
        changed for Fire Emblem. Was long in between before.
        Here's my Heroes Friend ID if you want it: 5134597547

      • Oh, man I forgot you were a full time reviewer and editor! I must have been high on painkillers when I asked that! Embarrasing!!!

      • Hey! So I wrote out a reply to you two days ago on my phone… and then I lost the draft. Safe to say, don’t write out long messages on your phone when you can hit the back button by accident! 😦 So, I’ll have to try and summarise what I put.

        Of course I care. I don’t like to see anyone go through pain / suffering. And I do consider you an online friend, so please don’t feel embarrassed with anything you said to me – besides there was nothing to be embarrassed about!

        I do have a friend code for FE Heroes, so let me just get it…9722234930. I’ll add you now while I remember!

        I’m glad you are on the mend now for sure. Make sure to keep yourself as healthy as you can. I’m doing some rehabilitation with my swimming, which is going really well.

        So I work at an IT company – we’re what’s known as a CSP (Cloud Solutions Provider) and we work directly with Microsoft and other vendors like Acronis and Bitdefender. I’m in marketing so I get to do the stuff I love – namely write – with a lot of digital stuff thrown in as well. I’ve just got in early to work, so I made sure to write this message before I start!

        Ah, I must have misread it when you said you had started your job. But whenever you do, I hope it goes well!

        Since I wrote that blog post up there… seems so long ago now, Nintendo has kindly sent me (MNN) a Switch console to preview and review with Zelda. So expect to see some writing from me on the site over the next few weeks. There’s a lot to get through as you can imagine. But I’ll be popping a disclaimer on the posts I write on MNN, along with this blog post too.

        I’m really looking forward to everything Fire Emblem this year – really love the series. Right, make sure to take care, okay? 🙂

      • Auch, but even though it’s a sum up, you gave me quite the reply 😛 Sweet of you to put off time to reply me before work. Sorry, it took time to get back to you, but I’ve been quite busy, and I wanted to reply you properly.

        Marketing huh? Must be great! I got a B in marketing at BI where I study. Liked the subject, makes you use your imagination and really thinking outside the box + adds it with solid research! Do you have some examples of your work? Or is it a bit more complicated than that? Anyway, if writing is in your jobdescription, you’re in the right spot. We all know how good you’re at it!

        Fytti katta(Norwegian expression) you got a Switch?! L… f….. I– Lucky you! Haha, and that’s really, really, reeeaaaally good to hear! Now we won’t miss out on Colette’s awesome writing on Switch reviews! Yaaaaaay!! You already got something out I see 😛 But sincerely, you deserve it. I’ve seen a lot of… of… tosker (Norwegian) who got their’s early and they’re not anything near your skill, so I would be really bothered if MMN(read you) didn’t get it. Again; you deserve it! I’m looking forward reading your Switch review(s) 🙂

        Thank you for your consideration, and do take care yourself! I’ve would be devastated if there were something to be happening to you (And no, not only because there wouldn’t any more superb reviews). I hope this period before B12-injection won’t be that tough on you!

        PS: I’ve added you to FEH now 🙂 Happy Switch Playin’!

      • Colette! I don’t know where you live, but I do sincerely hope you weren’t present under today’s tragic event! I’m so sorry to hear about what happened in London! Don’t keep me worried!

      • Hi Kristian, I’m okay. 🙂 Sorry I’ve only just seen your comment as I haven’t logged on to WP recently. I live quite far from London – so no need to worry. But thank you very much for your concern. The event that happened in London was tragic indeed, but nothing could have prevented it and the medical services did everything they could. All our thoughts are with the families affected.

  5. Please say you didn’t go to that concert, Colette!
    I’m sorry for that I haven’t been in touch for a while, and just asks for your well-being after accidents like this, but you’re the first that comes to mind when things like that happens!

    • Hey Kristian, I’m safe and didn’t go but one of my colleagues at work did. I’m quite shaken up about it. It’s so close to home – I’ve been to that arena countless times and my best friend went just a few weeks ago. I immediately woke up and text her. I’m just so emotional and angry, such a cowardly attack targeting children and teenagers. 😦 My thoughts and heart go out to all those injured and all those who had their lives so cruelly taken. Thank you for checking in with me and for your care / thoughts to those affected. It’s just all so upsetting.

      • I’m so glad to hear that you’re unharmed. It’s a disturbing though indeed to think about the reality of something as horrible as that – especially for you since it was so near! Yeah, that was a really cheap and horrible done. My thoughts goes to the injured and their families. Just know I’m here if there’s anything. Take care.

      • This is just horrible. I can’t believe how much you in Great Britain have suffered this year. I’ll say that I’m very relieved that you don’t live in London these days. Take care Colette.

      • Thanks Kristian. It’s been horrible recently with all the terrorism. 😦 I will be visiting our beautiful capital soon – we will not be cowed by terrorism!

      • That’s good to hear 🙂 It’s important not to be swayed by them!
        Some friends of mine wanted to take me to London, but after what happend they have more or less changed their minds :/

      • I understand. 🙂 But you’ve got to live your life to the full, that’s what I say! If you wanted to visit London, I would definitely do it. The tourism is excellent, there’s just so much to do.

  6. For some reason I could not reply you on your last comment… but here is mine 🙂
    I do agree. It’s important to do the most with the time you get. I always say that “I always live in the now”. Don’t know if that made any sense in English, but after my mom passed away, I’ve stopped waiting for things – I just do them. Better to take a wrong decision than no decision kind of 😂

    Yeah, I’ve been to London, Stanford and Bristol. I thought I mention I was hospitalised at St. Mary’s in London? Maybe I didn’t. But I want to go back (not the hospital haha) 🙂
    I read your Ever Oasis review. It’s just so fantastic how you pull the next awesome review after the another. You really got a fabulous streak!

    • WP has its gripes. 😦 You definitely mentioned being in hospital and in London – ah, I can only blame my poor memory for that one.
      I think your mum would be proud. It takes a lot for a person to try and do that. Moving on is one of the hardest things to do. And taking a leap of faith is often even harder.

      Thank you for taking the time to read my reviews. It really makes me smile knowing that they are appreciated. I put a lot of my spare time into my reviewing / reviews (almost all) so knowing that yourself and others are enjoying reading them makes it all worth while. It’s far more rewarding knowing that.

      • I’ve forgot what you worked with once, so now we’re just even 😛 As long as my mistake wasn’t far worse lol.

        People should be (at least I am) proud of you over the fact that you won’t be cowed (learned a new phrase and now I stole it from you >:3 ) and want to visit London. Many of my friends now don’t even dare, so it demands a lot of courage from you. Even if you feel you’ve a duty, it’s still bravery. I really respect you for that!

        Of what I’ve read from you, I get the picture you’re really busy. You wanted to play Ori and the Blind Forest, but you couldn’t and so on. I’m amazed over the amount of reviews you pump out — and still keeping that excellent standard. You’re like a machine 😛 But I do hope you find time to do other things you want.
        Of course I appreciate your reviews. When I said you’re my #1 reviewer; I really meant it. I’m always looking forward to your writting, on MNN or here. And with all the Nintendo games coming this fall, I do have plenty to be looking forward to from you :3

        I hope everything else going okay? The swimming and vitamin injections?

      • Thank you. I think we’re all brave in our own way, some just show it in different ways to others. 🙂

        I am certainly very busy. Work takes up a lot of my time, so it’s very rare that I can get time off. But when I do, I make sure I make the most of it. Awww thank you, I like to think of myself as some sort of technical Wonder Woman. 😛 It’s really kind of you to say that – always appreciative,

        Well, I’m finally being referred to a specialist at the hospital, hurray! Only took 10 years to get me referred… but it’s happening. So if I have to wait another few months then so be it, it’s nothing compared to how long I’ve waited to be heard by our NHS.

        How about yourself health-wise?

      • Hi! Sorry for a late response, I’ve been busy, and I wanted to take time to answer properly.
        Technical Wonder Woman! Yeah, that’s it! That’s what you are! You deserve all the praise you can get, especially since you’re always giving it your all 🙂

        Finally they’ve taken you seriously! Awful amount of time it took. Hope it goes quickly from here and that it works! Good luck! 🙂
        My health? Well… hmm… long story short: it doesn’t go well here… at all lol. My back is killing me and even if doctors are on my side, social service isn’t 😛 Just hope I don’t need to operate again. I could rant about this for quite a while, but yeah… there isn’t much to tell though really. But that’s the health part, the other parts doing alright haha 😆 Have been practising some Arms ;;;;;;;))))))

        I hope you’re getting some off-time or vacation soon! And you look lovely(that phrase isn’t reserves for grandmas is it?) on that profile picture of yours 🙂

      • That’s okay. 🙂 I replied last time when I was at work (thankfully not at work now haha). I’m really pleased my health is getting taken more seriously now. I mean, I recently watched a BBC documentary on Fibromylagia and ME, so people are understanding that chronic pain and chronic fatigue are a real thing. It’s definitely something. 🙂

        Oh no! That sounds absolutely awful. I’m so sorry you are in that much pain. Can you go to physio, get acupuncture or see a Chiropractor? Mine has done wonders for my back. How’s the health system over there? Is it as corrupt as the UK’s? 😦

        Well, I will be visiting Canada for two weeks in September, so you certainly won’t see me around much towards the end of that month and into October. Sod’s law that most of the game releases for Nintendo land around then. :/

        And thank you for the compliment on my profile pic – I thought it was time for a change, since I think I had my last one for about a year and a half, ha!

      • It’s good that you got progress with your problem 🙂 I’m going to a physio, but I can do what he does better myself LOL. And I’m free of charge lel. But seriously I do see light in the tunnel, just have to walk for a bit I try to not stumble when a train’s passing by 😛

        Canada seems nice! Where to? My aunt’s going there next week or something, but I’ve never been there myself. (Got a heart-attack there. The browser refreshed and I thought I lost my progress 😛 Ctrl+A + Ctrl+CCCCCCCCCCC)

        I pride myself in knowing stuff, but I had to search up Sod’s law, and (as I guessed at least) it is somewhat similar to Murphy’s law 😛 Well, you need vacation, so don’t feel bad, even though we’ll miss you dearly xP 😉 I presume you’ll have company on your trip?

        Just read the New 2DS XL review. While I’m a collector, I know I don’t need the “new” (THAT PUN) console, but I kind of want it anyway – that was until you made it clear that I just can wait a while for it. Price drop or just forget about it lol. Thank you for that review 🙂 I’ll just keep my Monster Hunter Generation New 3DS XL 😛 løv itt!

      • Genuine question; how do you perform physio on yourself? I always thought it would need to be done by a professional. Please take care though, I don’t want you stumbling while passing by a train!

        So I’m visiting Toronto, Vancouver & Whistler. I’m heading out there with my parents for a family holiday. We usually try and go on one every year together. We’re definitely a very tight knit family. I’m really looking forward to it as it’s somewhere I’ve always wanted to visit.

        Sorry, I regularly come out with British colloquialisms (I actually almost didn’t put that in my response to you, but thought it would be something similar to what you already knew so would catch the gist).

        Thanks for reading my review. 🙂 I didn’t want to get super technical but know there would be some interesting questions coming my way, ha! I think you’d be right in waiting for a price drop if you’re treating it as a collector’s item. While I’ve found the device to be perfectly adequate, when reviewing I’ll still opt for my 3DS (it’s 3D after all!).

        Hope you’re keeping well, wanted to reply on my lunch break!

      • Honest reply; my physio have used a kind of heat beamer on my lumbar — once. I have one myself, but that isn’t the thing that will cure me. Physio hereabouts is just a overpriced PT’s. He gives me weights, ropes and (exercise) balls, and then he leaves me for some woman to flirt with 😂 Or doesn’t show up at all. All the exercises he gives me are something I know of from before. I’ve trained a lot and used to be a kickboxer. Of course it’s nice to have someone make sure you do perform it right, but I’ve made a lot of progress, and that’s not thanks to him. Change I hear you say? He’s what I got because of the waiting lines. Can’t any trains at the moment. We’ll have to assume the light at the end of the tunnel is from the sun 😛

        Family trips are nice. Last one I had was to St. Mary’s 😂😂😂 But your trip will probably be awesome 😀 All those places within two weeks are bound to be packed full of fun experiences and memories 😀 N-joy!

        Hah! At least you didn’t think I was too stupid to grasp it with time. I will give you a Norwegian, directly translated, colloquial. Directly translated must be emphasised. “Now must you not get stick-high”.

        I hope you will get through while you wait for your treatment! Looking forward to your next review 🙂 I’m almost out of lunch break myself, puh. I’m slow when it comes to English xP

      • Oh wow, sounds like you need a new physio that actually cares about you, rather than does just the bare minimum. There are plenty around – go get a second / third opinion and hopefully one that is less expensive. Keep well in the meantime and don’t overexert yourself anytime soon!

        Yes, my next review is Splatoon 2 which I’ll be writing up this weekend. Been training a new writer and editing articles, so it’s been a little bit non-stop recently. I’ll get there though! 🙂

      • I’ll take care 🙂 Physio “crisis” in central Norway where I live. I couldn’t get one myself until the hospital assigned me one.
        Yeah, I saw the new guy. Awesome you guys get fresh blood, and even more awesome you’re behind the wheel of training him 😉
        Yeah, I saw you played Splatoon 2… through your WINDOW! Nah, just through my friendlist on Switch 😛 I’m such a stalker. I’m looking forward to it! You always deliver 🙂

        I can same to you; don’t overexert yourself. Take care! (I just was on my phone when you replied 😛 Fastest answear ever! Hah!)

      • Looking forward to read the review of yours***

      • PS. Thank you for making time to reply me – even at work 😀

  7. I hate how I post without reading my comments well enough first… And no edit-button either 😂

  8. How’s going, Colette? Had fun in Canada? Haha, I’m still using this post as our way to communicate 🙂 Even though I’ve heard from you in your (excellent) reviews, I feel that it’s a long time since I’ve ACTUALLY heard from you 😛

  9. Hey Kristian, I’m good thank you. Currently in review land (again). How about yourself? I know, it’s been quite some time! I’ve just been so busy with work and MNN work that this year has gone so quickly. My trip to Canada feels like a lifetime ago already. And by the way, that was amazing. We travelled to Toronto, Niagara, Vancouver, Richmond, Steveston and Whistler. I wish I could go back to Whistler. The views were absolutely stunning – you simply must go! But tell me what else is happening with you? 🙂

    • Sorry for the long wait! I was checking the days after I posted the comment, but I thought after a few days that you hated me, so I didn’t bother to check anymore. JK! WordPress wouldn’t give me a notification, so I got reminded to check for your reply after your (brilliant) review today.

      I know the feel of time flying by. The year just started in some ways, and things that happened weeks ago feels like yesterday. Good to hear the trip was amazing 🙂 I will check it out when I get the chance for sure!

      Well, it hasn’t happened a lot here in Norway. I had my second back surgery/operation. So I’ve been recovering the last 4 weeks now. There is just so much you can do from your bed you know. Reading, playing and some ranting about Nintendo online (because what else is the Internet for?) 😛

      How’s your health? Got some shots lately? (It sounds so “right” when one put it out of context like that). I know from personal experiences that game reviewing is a hard thing. People often just think of it as a “dans på roser” – as one says in Norwegian. People tend to forget that when gaming is work; IT IS WORK. Sure thing, once a while you get a free Switch and Mario plus some SNES mini dropped in your lap, but then again you also get titles like your latest Kirby “adventure”.

      I just hope that you don’t work yourself to death. Your reviews are very well written, and the amount of time you put into them is quite obvious. Take care 🙂

      • Hey! Oh no worries on the reply. Hated you? Oh, never! 😀 Silly WordPress. I don’t think it likes me any more.

        Health-wise. Whew. It’s been quite difficult lately. I am due my next injection on the 20th November – I’ll be like shoot me up! (Out of this context, totally inappropriate) XD But yeah, really looking forward to getting my dose of B12. They screwed up my blood test 3 months ago. They actually ‘lost’ my blood. Whatever that means. So I’m having to do another blood test so that they can test my levels and see if I need to be moved onto 8-weekly. I doubt it, since they are making cuts everywhere. So I’ve been making sure not to take any B12 supplements over the last three months so as not to skew the results… but it’s been tough.

        You’re right on the reviewing. It’s still work at the end of the day. My colleagues at work are so supportive though. They love it when I bring in new games for them to test out. We’ve just got some new equipment for all the staff (ice hockey table, pool table, PS4). I think they are eyeing up a Switch with Mario Kart too.

        So the Kirby one wasn’t actually that bad – critically yes, but personally it was better than the one I just played. Let me just say it’s one about fashion… and it’s the third one. *smh* However, I have to think critically… so it’s been difficult. 😛

        After that we should get Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (looking forward to that one!) But I’ll try not to work myself to the bone. 🙂 Besides I have Christmas coming up and hopefully less work.

        So your operation… woah! I hope it all went okay (I mean, I’m assuming it did but…) You must be in one heck of a lot of pain. 😦 *virtual hugs* But I’m glad you’ve managed to catch up on your gaming backlog and occupy yourself with lots of ranting. What are we ranting about these days? I feel like I’ve missed so much! But seriously, take care of yourself too.

        P.S I love your little Norwegian sayings. They sound awesome. I met a friend at uni and she was Norwegian. I used to ask her to talk to me in her language all the time because I thought it was beautiful. 🙂

      • WordPress hate us all in its own way… I’m sure.
        Aaaaand there… the app erased what I wrote you… If it wasn’t for the fact this text was for you; I wouldn’t be writing this a second time on my phone XDDD

        Damn those cuts! We had our fair shares of cuts in the health department when the “conservatives” won the Norwegian election 4 years ago. I, with my back and all, have really noticed it. Yeah, those “out of context”-shots of ours makes you sound like a junkie. Not that I’m the one to talk… me and that morphine substitute I’m been on for quite some while now.

        The hug are appreciated, my virtual friend 🙂 You got one right back!
        The operations didn’t have any complications, but we don’t know the results yet since… you know… the PAIN has to stop before we know anything for certain.

        Yeah, they lost my blood as well last year. I had to take another sample a second time… and pay for it twice. I don’t know how they manage to do that. It must have been a real challenge to go without your dose of B12. Kudos to you and your endurance. I hope it pays off, since you deserve it. You’re so strong, you can overcome this 🙂 “Bak skyene er himmelen alltid blå”! Can let all them dogs take your shots!

        Your workplace sounds lovely! I’m not used to anything else than “If we see you with your cell phones you get an written warning!” (don’t really know what’s called in English). But it’s nice to have colleagues that want to play games with you 🙂 Sounds like an including and open-minded gang!

        I got you on the fashion one, so I might don’t want to know the third one… yeah, being critically is really hard, but if there’s one that’s fair and gifted – it’s you! You’re always spot on and so dedicated about your reviews! You’re my #1 game reviewer and author 🙂 I love the humour, the notice of all the details and the comparisons with other games. You’re knowledgeable and smart, and those chunks of nostalgia you put in time to time are spot on!

        We rant for the sake of ranting I guess. Nintendo-wise it hasn’t been that much really. The difficulty level locked behind Amiibo in Samus Returns was something. People are also hating Capcom for not giving Switch Monster Hunter World. Have you seen those graphics? My guess is that the reason for not releasing it there is because of the hardware limitations. I can’t be sure if there isn’t another reason, but I’m going to be “kjepphøy” and say; I doubt it
        Are you looking forward to MHW, or does your current situation not letting you play anything but MNN-related games? :/

        You love my sayings? Aww, thanks. Do you remember where your Norwegian friend was from? Like many other countries, Norway is tall and long with quite some distance between the settlements. We got a lot of dialects, and even two “languages”. Your friend might have one of the nice dialects, since there are plenty with terrible ones 😛 I’m born in Tromsø, but lived half my life in central Norway, so I have two dialects 😛 Neither one is beautiful (at least when I’m the one speaking them lol). I’ll keep the sayings coming then 🙂 “Det er mye glede å finne i unyttig kunnskap”.

      • Oh. Very. Dear. I did not see your message until yesterday. 😦 Gosh, I’m so sorry. In my defense, I haven’t logged onto WordPress since my Kirby review went up because I’ve been so busy.

        Work got incredibly manic. I was down in London and we won an award (I wrote it and got shortlisted for us, then we won! Yay!) So we all celebrating that. And then the PR had to go out and other bits and pieces that fell on top of me at work. So it’s been all go. So much so that when Mark (Sickr) asked me if I could review Skyrim for the site, I had to say no as I wouldn’t have had the time to fit it in between work and Xenoblade. (shush…) Then I’m down in London again for a training event we are hosting for our customers, so it’s definitely a manic time. I haven’t started Christmas shopping yet :O.

        I would say that right now, I can’t play any non-Nintendo games. Last year I started playing Mirrors Edge (still haven’t finished), Tomb Raider and Ori (which I still haven’t finished either). I did play Steep and to be fair probably played a lot of that because it was online only so felt like I had to since I was paying. 😛 I do try to expand my gaming repertoire, but it’s usually Nintendo led. I bet you’re looking forward to MHW. 🙂 Any other non-Nintendo games you’re looking forward to playing?

        My Norwegian friend is from Oslo. Perhaps I just liked her dialect because it was the first time I’d really heard Norwegian (I still haven’t been, but would love to go!) Where are the places in Norway you would recommend?

        And again, sorry for being so late at replying!

      • Congratulations! You and everyone else must be immensely proud 🙂 I’m as well! But it doesn’t surprise me really. You always appeared as a dedicated and talented person (amongst other things ofc), so your victory is deserved no doubt! Godt jobbet!

        Haha, OVD 😛 Who needs OMG? I’m so used to that you ignore me on purpose. I was about to… find another Nintendo reviewer and spam it’s private blog with my personal problems… JK!

        I figured you were busy, and I don’t blame you for being preoccupied, and it’s nothing to be sorry about 🙂 I’ll say you had a legitimate reason, so I’ll find it in me to try to forgive you… I might… someday… someday xP

        Yeah, Skyrim would have taken a lot of your time, and you’ve already produced a lot of content after (and under!) your vacation! At least you get the trust that you deserve by have been given the chance to review it while you got everything else on your hand. Whaaa– Xonoblondy? NEVER heard of! I haven’t seen anyone playing it on that Nintendo tablet thingy!

        Hosting an event are we? Nice! Is it fun? I’ve only hosted a few winter survival/snow cave seminars myself, but teaching others is fun 🙂 But I sincerely hope that you don’t burn yourself out. You always give all you got, and when you haven’t had the time to play Ori yet, you appear to be constant under load.

        Haven’t shopped for Christmas yet either. Black Friday today here, but it’s mostly scam here. They just increase the prices a week before on everything you *actually* want. What’s your usual Christmas celebration by the way?

        Oslo? That’s were I’m at the moment myself. Probably mentioned it before. I do speak Oslo dialect to some degree. It’s kind of the “normal” Norwegian we find in the text books. Recommendations? Kristiansand is lovely during summer times. Trondheim is quite nice as well, and Lofoten won some awards for having some of the most beautiful nature in the world. Tromsø is dubbed as “Paris of the North”, but people tend to belive it’s because the place is beautiful, but oh boy they got it wrong x) Oslo isn’t a pretty city, but there’s stuff to do here I guess. You can walk through the entire city within 30-40 min, and it’s the largest one in Norway 😛 So compared to UK it’s not much to do here.

        Aww, too bad :/ I was afraid you would say that. Would’ve been fun playing MHW with you! You and I still have that ARMS match, but I won’t nag about… for now.
        I’m looking forward to MHW quite indeed. I feel bad for you, I can write about everything I’m looking forward to, and you will sit there reading about it and think ” Sigh, all I want is to play is [insert title here], but I’m stuck here with Boutique Style 67″. But if it gives you any pleasure, I do look forward to Total Warhammer III, but 2017 have been such a great year. A Hat in Time, Horizon Zero Dawn, Drømmefall… the list goes on. Something you look forward to(probably Nintendo related)? Or have you been resigned about the subject? “Den som venter på noe godt, venter ikke forgjeves”.

        The online-thing, I know it well xP I have a lot of friends playing Destiny 2, and I have to force myself to play it with them so I can be “social”, or else I won’t hear from them lol.

        Sorry for spamming with long posts like these. I hope I write understandable enough. But I appreciate that you take your time listening… ehm, reading. Don’t say sorry, you’re busy and I understand that 🙂 I’m just glad you have the time at all, and know I’ll be here for you as well 🙂 Even when you take your sweet time replying 😛

      • What’s this, what’s this? There’s something in the air. That’s right I’m replying to your message on time and in the same day? That’s unheard of surely! Jokes aside, thank you for taking the time to comment so swiftly. You’ve made me chuckle a fair few times – especially with that joke about Style Boutique 67. I swear, if there’s 67 of those games someone will be walking in a fashion furnace. Anyway, your sense of humour makes me chuckle. 😀

        So our work event coming up. Yeah, it should be fun. I’m basically just checking people off a list and handing out our information packs and pens etc. I won’t be getting involved in the training (though I will be taking advantage by making my own notes). The training is being held by our Microsoft UK contacts, so it’s quite nice to be inching closer to them. Though this is pure B2B cloud software training (it’s on Azure, massive thing). It should be a good day of learning though!

        Yeah, Black Friday is just nuts now. Every retailer in the UK goes crazy for it. I think I’ve had about 30 emails today from retailers claiming £s off. It’s frustrating. I’m working, I don’t have time for sales. XD

        Our usual Christmas celebration? Hmm, hard to say. But we have a lot of Christmas markets here (though not on the scale of the rest of Europe) but I will head down to Lincoln which is about an hour’s drive from where I live to visit their Christmas market in early December. We’ve also got the work Christmas Party and I’m out for Christmas celebrations prior to that with friends and so on. Just mini get together’s really. But I really enjoy all the festivities. It’s the only time you can eat lots and no one gives a damn. XD

        Oh, those places in Norway sound fabulous! I’ll have to add them to my list of places to visit if I ever get there. 🙂 I’m sure I will as I like to visit lots of places in Europe for the history and culture. That’s amazing that you can travel the city in that amount of time! That’s so small and very interesting!

        Oh gosh… that ARMS match. I so forgot about that. Please don’t make me play it again. XD Doing it for review was more than enough haha. Have you been on it again? Did you get used to the fighting? Gosh, I really suck at that.

        Oooh yeah. Horizon Zero Dawn was crazy. I saw like maybe two hours of it being played? It looked awesome. I was actually looking forward to playing Shadow of War but the amount of grinding that’s involved and the whole loot box fiasco really put me off. So I’ve been watching a YT let’s play on it so I can at least follow the story. I did the same with Shadow of Mordor. I love the lore (even if it hardly ever follows canon). Like the fact that they are bringing out a new TV series based on LOTR works by Tolkien. I mean that gets me really excited – as long as they don’t touch the original trilogy I’m all good for it. In fact, there’s a couple of TV series I’ve been wanting to watch. Stranger Things has been on my list forever. There’s just so much I want to play, see and do! Argh!

        Ah yeah, Destiny 2 is good from what I hear. I never really got into the game, but I can see that it would be fun. I wanted to try Overwatch for the same reasons, but just got waylaid.

        It’s not a problem. It’s fun to write long posts again. Thankfully I do this on my laptop as it’s so much quicker for me to type these! 🙂

        P.S Glad you enjoyed the Xenoblade preview. I’ve taken time off work to do work for MNN. It’s a must with Xenoblade. It’s just so time consuming.

      • Jøsse navn, two replies one the same day! What have done to Colette?! She would never use less than three days!!

        But seriously you’ve been fast at times. You even woke up early for me before work once, so you’re not that bad 😛 I’ve taken my time as well sometimes sooooo… I guess we’re even. It’s not our fault WordPress hate us and never notifies us.

        Ahh, Azure. I know what that is, but lucky you. Microsoft, at least here, has really great programs. Should be awesome. I don’t exactly know when Norway adopted Black Friday, but it has become reeeally bother real fast – at least here in Oslo. I kept myself indoors today because I don’t want to get pulled into the human mass flowing trough the streets – desperately searching for their next product, with fake savings, to scavange.

        Christmas in Norway is all about food… or rather how much food you can get stuffed down your face before you need to go to the emergency room, and the go all January and blame the Christmas for the stomach you had all year long. We got all the food you can ever dream of; lutefisk(I won’t translate this), pinnekjøtt (stick meat) and raspeball (I don’t even know how to trans–).

        Destiny 2 is better than 1, but with all the horrible things that did go wrong with 1, it should be better. Overwatch is okey. You don’t need to put in that many hours there like you kind of have to in Destiny. Horizon is great. I’m so sad every time BotW goes away with an award in a shared category with HZD, because it deserves all the awards it can get. Are you insinuating that ARMS, the greatest masterpiece of humankind, isn’t fun to play? I’ll have to block you on Switch for this!

        But serious I didn’t quite like it either. I made “humorous” sketch based video review on it on our YouTube-channel, but I didn’t give it the best of critics 😛 I haven’t played it much either after the review. I just wanted to bother you with it tee-hee.

        I tend to rather play than watching TV-shows. I’m the guy that must see every episode of a series when I’ve first started xP I got all this backlogs, and nowadays I’m watching the X-files back from the 90′ lol. How embarrassing… but the new LotR Shows will probably kill it. Shadow of Mordor was epic if I’m allowed to use that word. The graphics, the gameplay – everything. I’m waiting with Shadow of War, it sound like a cashgrab at times. Yeah, it’s so much you want to do all the time. That’s why I’m prioritising games 😛 But I wouldn’t mind if you prioritised a vacation to Norway 😀 You got lot of rain, angry people and expensive food! Why haven’t you been here already?! 😛

        I was thinking when you released your Xenoblade preview that poor you couldn’t have had that much time to actually play it; but taking time of from job? I respect your dedication. You’re extremely talented and we’re all so lucky for having you on MNN 🙂 Your work is the best!
        I didn’t like the first Xenoblade that much, but I loved X. Robots and dinosaurs I guess. My inner boy just wanted to scream when I first saw it.

        I use a BlackBerry to write these long comments because I’m still not allowed to sit in front of my computer just yet (It’s because of the back, and not that I’m grounded as I realised it could be misinterpreted as). I’m embarrassed over how long it takes me to construct these posts. The comment over to me- not 67 hours at least, but I won’t specify it more 😛

      • Damn that “Send” button. Thank you for your compliments btw. I’m glad that I made you chuckle. The truth is that you make me smile as well 😉 Your humour and descriptions are the best. Like the “warm chocolate voice” in your preview. Now I’m trying to figure it out, in my head, how that sound lol. I’m making a lot of “mmm” because what else would you do with a chocolate voice?

      • Merry Christmas, C. Hope you’re enjoying the holiday 🙂

      • Merry Christmas, K! 🙂 Have a good one!

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